What Is Zakat- Calculate Zakat

Zakat is a important pillar of Islam. The meaning of Arabic word Zakat is “ To Purify ”. We purify our property by paying Zakat and we are blessed with growth due to Zakat.

The group of people who are eligible for Zakat are mentioned in surah at-Taubah. The alms are only for the needy and poor or orphans (The Holy Qur'an9:60).

A muslim have to pay Zakat when he/she has money is equal or greater than nisab. The nisab or minimum amount of money is equal to the price of 85 grams of pure gold.

Zakat is due after the passing of one Lunar year of having the property of money by the owner. Zakat is 2.5% of the money in the property of the owner. The owners have to deduct the loans he or she has borrowed from others, Then have to check of the remainder is equal or greater than the nisab, if yes then he or she has to pay Zakat on it.

Every muslim should have to calculate and pay Zakat if it is due upon him or her.


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